'The food we eat contains various nutrients that are required by the body. One of these vital components is protein. Protein is one of the building blocks of life and essential in our diet. Using sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate, one can create a solution that is a good indicator to detect the presence of protein in a food substance. Here, we perform the test on a few daily life food items. To explore further and get your questions answered, visit the TACtivity homepage at - https://www.thinktac.com/tactivity/TCM06 ______________________________________________________________________________________ IX CBSE Alternative Lab playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... IX CBSE Recommendation playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... IX CBSE Discover programme playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ______________________________________________________________________________________ Buy IX CBSE Alternative Lab programme with material kit, lab record and live classes at https://www.thinktac.com/product/ix-c... Buy CBSE Discover programme with material kit and live classes at https://www.thinktac.com/product/ix-c... ______________________________________________________________________________________ For more information, visit www.thinktac.com Write in with your suggestions and questions at unlab@thinktac.com ______________________________________________________________________________________ ===============================================================================Share, Support, Subscribe ===============================================================================♥ Email us at: info@thinktac.com ♥ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/thinktac ♥ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thinktac ♥ Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/think_tac ♥Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/thinktac ♥Website: https://www.thinktac.com/ ♥Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/company/thinktac ======================================================'
Tags: protein test in egg albumin , protein test in milk , protein test in hindi , protein test in urine , protein test in food , protein test biuret , protein test biology , protein test practical , protein test in urine in hindi , protein test biochemistry , amrita university , biuret test
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